伯乐Bio-Rad1704491Mini-Sub Cell GT 授权代理-伯乐Bio-Rad


伯乐Bio-Rad1704491Mini-Sub Cell GT Mini Handcasting Kit, 迷你子电池GT迷你手摇套件


金山科研平台现货促销是本产品的一级代理,咨询微信:jinshanbio 金山禾斗石开平台作为伯乐Bio-rad公司的代理商为客户提供,正规进口,保证原装正品,货期稳定,折扣好的服务标准。

伯乐Bio-Rad1704491Mini-Sub Cell GT Mini Handcasting Kit, 迷你子电池GT迷你手摇套件,产品简介:



英文名称:Mini-Sub Cell GT Mini Handcasting Kit


产品规格:套伯乐Bio-Rad1704491Mini-Sub Cell GT Mini Handcasting Kit, 迷你子电池GT迷你手摇套件,产品说明:

Agarose mini-gel casting kit, includes 7 x 7 cm gel tray, 8- and 15-well 1.5 mm fixed height combs, casting gates, allows casting gels in cells using casting gates, for use with Mini-Sub Cell GT systems

琼脂糖微型凝胶浇铸套件,包括7 x 7 cm凝胶托盘、8孔和15孔1.5 mm固定高度梳子、浇铸门,允许使用浇铸门在细胞中浇铸凝胶,用于微型子细胞GT系统

Mini-Sub ®Cell GT电泳槽

经过重新设计的Mini-Sub cell电泳槽更新了功能特点,使电泳更容易方便。小型水平电泳槽可分离多达30个样品,7和10厘米的短而窄的电泳槽使实验快速、简便和经济。Bio-Rad 小型电泳槽60V、1.5 小时就能分离EcoR 1或HindII酶切的λ噬菌体DNA产物。小片段DNA分离在150V电压下只需15分钟。所有小型电泳槽都兼容ReadyAgaroseTM预制胶一为常规分 离节省时间,得到高度重复的分离结果,这些小型电泳槽包括:缓冲液槽、带电缆的安全盖和水平测量器。

小型ReadySub-CellTMGT电泳槽(货号170-4487 利164-0303)与Mini-Sub cellGT电泳槽-样,但是小型ReadySub-CellTM电泳槽专用于跑ReadyAgarose预制胶。这些电泳槽不包含铺制门、凝胶盘和电泳梳。可订购ReadySub-Cell GT电泳槽升级包使电泳槽支持手灌胶。



Catalog Number

UV-Transparent Tray(W x L) cm

Fixed Height Combs

Casting Gates

15 x 7(1704426)

7 x 7(1704436)




Wide Mini(1704425)


Wide Mini Handcasting Kit(1704497)


Mini Handcasting Kit(1704491)


伯乐Bio-Rad1704491Mini-Sub Cell GT Mini Handcasting Kit, 迷你子电池GT迷你手摇套件,产品订购信息:

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704491 Mini Handcasting Kit, inludes 7 x7 cm tray. casting gates, 15-well 1.5 mm fxed-height comb,

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704422 Mini-Gel Caster, for Mini Sub and wide Mini-Sub cell GT systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704436* Sub-Cell GT UV-Transparent Mini-Gel Tray, 7 x7 cm (trays have 2 slots for fixed-height combs)

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704435 Sub-Cell GT UV-Transparent Mini-Gel Tray, 7 x 10 cm (trays have 2 slots for fixed-height combs)

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704330** Original UV-Transparent Mini-Gel Tray, 7x 10 cm

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704434 Mini-Sub Cell GT Casting Gates, 2

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704362 Mini-Sub Cell GT Anode (Red) Quick Snap Electrode Assembly

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704363 Mini-Sub Cell GT Cathode (Black) Quick Snap Electrode Assembly

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704331 Mini-Comb Holder, for Min Sub cell adiustable-height combs

Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems窗体底端

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704464 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704465** Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704332 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704462 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704463*** Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704333 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704461 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704460 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

伯乐Bio-Rad 1704342 Combs for Mini-Sub Cell GT Systems

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