伯乐Bio-Rad1563002Profinity eXact pPAL Supercoiled Expression Vector Kit


伯乐Bio-Rad 1563001 Profinity eXact pPAL RIC-Ready Expression Vector Kit

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563002 Profinity eXact pPAL Supercoiled Expression Vector Kit, includes 100 ul of 100 ng/ul vector, 20 reactions

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563003 BL21 (DE3) Chemi-Competent Expression Cells, includes 10 x 0.05 ml BL21 (DE3) clls, pUC19 controlplasmid, 10 ml vial of SOC growth media

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563004Profinity eXact Monoclonal Antibody, 100 ul, 1 mg/ml

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563005Profinity eXact Purification Resin*, 10 ml

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563007 Profinity eXact Mini Spin Columns

伯乐Bio-Rad 7324646 Bio-Scale Mini Profinity eXact Cartridges, 2x 1 ml

伯乐Bio-Rad 7324647 Bio-Scale Mini Profinity eXact Cartridges, 4x 1 ml

伯乐Bio-Rad 7324648 Bio-Scale Mini Profinity eXact Cartridge, 1x5 ml

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563000 Profinity eXact Cloning and Expression Starter Kit

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563008 Profinity eXact Expression and Purification Starter Kit

伯乐Bio-Rad 1563006 Profinity eXact Mini Spin Purification Starter Kit


"Larger volumes are available on request. “可根据要求提供更大的卷

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