伯乐Bio-Rad 1665057 Growth and Expression Reagent Pack


伯乐Bio-Rad 1665057 Growth and Expression Reagent Pack

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伯乐Bio-Rad 1665046 Hand-packed Purification Module

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665055 Growth and Expression Module

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665056 Growth Expression Kit

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665057 Growth and Expression Reagent Pack

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665060 SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Module

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665065 DHFR Enzymatic Assay Module

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伯乐Bio-Rad 1665077 IDEA Kit Starter Pack

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伯乐Bio-Rad 1665095 STEM Electrophoresis Starter Pack

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伯乐Bio-Rad 1665111 UView 6x Loading Dye and Stain, 200 ul

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665112 UView 6x Loading Dye and Stain 1 ml

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伯乐Bio-Rad 1665121 C. elegans Behavior Kit RT Refill

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665122 C. elegans Wild Type and Mutant

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665123 C. elegans Behavior Kit TS Refill

伯乐Bio-Rad 1665125 NGM Lite Agar

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伯乐Bio-Rad 1702512 trUView Beam Height Adaptor

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伯乐Bio-Rad 2239955 SEMI-MICRO CUVETTE STY 100/BOX

伯乐Bio-Rad 7326300 PCR Kleen Spin Columns EDU

伯乐Bio-Rad 7326400 Aurum Plasmid Mini Kit

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伯乐Bio-Rad 10030880 C. ELEGANS MUTANT

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